Tyson went pee-pee in the potty for the SECOND time today! Woo hoo! It was fantastic. Stuart bought some new Halloween gum and as soon as Tyson saw it he said he wanted to go. Sure enough, while retrieving a magazine for him to read (wonder where he got that from??) he went potty. Yea!
Sorry to all you non parents that are reading this-pottying is a BIG deal. Sadly it's the highlight of my day!
On other news, congrats to Brittany and Mike on the birth of their sweet baby girl! Also, good luck to Justin and Shannon-they are having their baby boy on Friday!!
My parents and sister are coming tomorrow to help us celebrate Halloween so be looking for pictures soon! Happy Wednesday!
29 October 2008
We Did It Again
Somehow written by --> Me and My Boys at 2:09 PM 0 comments
16 October 2008
Phew-what a week! We have had a lot of firsts in our house this week on top of the continued unpacking. I finally got some pictures hung and decorated a little in the living room and dining room. Pat on the back for me. I keep putting unpacking off because I don't think this is really real. We can't own a house. We can't have our own appliances. We can't have neighbors that are so scared of our dog that they are putting up a new fence at not cost to us so that they won't be frightened by his huge head whenever they get in their car...I digress.
So here are our exciting firsts:
I got my first cold/virus/sickness of the year. Yippee! It was horrible. I hadn't felt that bad in a long time. Luckily this was a three day weekend so Stu was here to help.
I got my first BRAND NEW appliance! Our oven came in and it is bea-u-ti-ful! Too bad it's not hooked up yet.. (hint hint honey)
We had our first major homeowner crisis-our AC went out. Apparently a gecko thought it would be pleasant to crawl into the circuit board and electrocute himself and in the process fry our unit. Nice little guy. Luckily we happened to have a cold front this weekend so we were able to manage with windows open and fans on high from Friday till Monday. Don't problems always happen on the weekend??
We got our first electric bill. I'll leave it at that.
We got our first mortgage payment coupon/bill. Gulp.
Tyson went peepee in the potty!!!!! Woo hoo!! It was the greatest thing in the world. Too bad it hasn't been repeated, but at least there is hope that it will happen again. Plus the gum balls that we bought last night are really making him crazy, but he can't have one till he uses the big-boy potty.
We had our first house guest! Well, I guess Stuart's grandparents were our first. No, I guess Stuart's dad was our first when he helped us move. Either way, one of my greatest friends, Laura came into town to see her nephews. Aunt Lala as we affectionately call her got to play and see the boys in action. Fun fun!
Somehow written by --> Me and My Boys at 8:45 PM 1 comments
09 October 2008
05 October 2008
Tucker Tucker Tucker
So my loving, adorable, precious one and a half year old is a stinker! He is soooo much harder than Tyson. He gets into everything, he climbs on everything, he is fearless, he literally attacks everything that he does and usually ends up falling head first. Gotta love him!
Since we have been moving, I have let a lot of things slide because I'm either unpacking and just don't have the energy or care to "guide" him. SO here are the top three headliners from the tornado that is known as Tucker:
While letting the dog out he very neatly removed ALL the files from the filing cabinet (because it's still in the living room) and *organized* all the papers in a mosaic around the living room. (I still have yet to reorganize and put away)
While unpacking, Tucker found a sharpie and with an expert hand left his mark on the kitchen cabinets and the walls in the dining room (the Mr. Clean Magic Eraser has gotten most of it up, but it takes a lot of elbow grease)
While we were playing outside, I came inside to say hi to Stuart and left my cell phone outside. When I returned my phone was in my sweet son's hands and turned off. No biggie. Hit end to turn back on. Nothing. Hit end again. Nothing. Hmm, maybe it needs to be plugged in. Plug in. Nothing. "Stuart!!" After taking my entire phone apart, my handy husband deducted that Tucker had bent the phone so much that he severed something that controls something else and therefore my phone is fried.
How does this kid do it?
On a sweet note, he didn't take a nap today so he fell asleep on his daddy around 5:45 pm. Doesn't he look like an angel?
We tried to wake him up to eat and this is what happened....
Somehow written by --> Me and My Boys at 9:48 PM 1 comments
01 October 2008
I finally got my washing machine and dryer hooked up!! It only took a week, but now we can have clean clothes. Our new house has gas hook ups, so one of the things that we had to purchase was a gas dryer. Anywho we've had it since we moved in but Stuart had to connect the lines. This meant that he had to spend 3 hours under the house last night. Then at lunch today he had to get one more part and now all is well. Now begins that laundry process. It's amazing how much laundry piles up when you don't do it for over a week! I was seriously on my last pair of undies this morning...
Somehow written by --> Me and My Boys at 2:44 PM 0 comments