23 September 2009

This and That

I've spent the last couple of days cleaning things out.
Tucker's 3T clothes have to be separated out and sent to CB.
Tyson's 4T clothes have to be separated and some moved to Tucker's closet.
Summer shoes have to be pulled out and fall/winter shoes located and/or purchased.
Coats and hoodies have to be pulled out and/or purchased.
The dogs need new winter collars.
The yard needs a desperate cleaning out/weeding before everything really dies.
Oh, and my blog got a little fall face-lift. :)

Have you taken a gander over here to check on Luke? He should be going home soon!
Also, can you pray for this family? He's a pilot in the Air Force. His wife was diagnosed with cancer in March and also found out they were pregnant with their first child in the same month. Their daughter was born September 8 (a month early). His wife passed away yesterday morning.

Shout Outs:
Warranties-Stuart dropped and broke his phone this weekend.
Adjustable waist straps-long legs/tiny waist=my kids.
Fall-LOVE this weather!


Brittany said...

I spent three hours in the kids' rooms yesterday packing up summer and unpacking fall. It feels good to be done but it takes SO LONG to do it! Hooray for being done!