30 October 2009

Weighty Issue

So Tucker is between sizes, again. While Tyson is at a very stable 5/5T, Tucker is in between a 4T and 5T. He's still holding fast with 4T shirts but the pants, the pants hold all the issues. You see, the boys are 16 months apart in age. (Let's just take a moment here and do some math. 16 months APART. That means that Tyson was roughly 7 months old when we made Tucker. 7 months. He wasn't walking, or talking, or crawling or eating food by himself. He was a baby. And me? I was insane.) Recently we weighed these two and the results were laughable. Tyson, all 4 years of him weighs 41 pounds. Tucker, well Tucker just defies gravity. Tucker came in at a healthy 40 pounds. 40 pounds in 2 and 1/2 years. Dear heavens. I have no future in keeping a nominal grocery bill.

What does this all mean? Well, for Tucker it means that his waist is perfect for a 4.5T. Unfortunately they do not make this size in stores. It also means that his little legs (because seriously people, he's TWO) do quite fill out the 5T jeans.

But the bigger issue is trying to convince my wonderful husband that Tucker can not wear Tyson's jeans.


I don't know if it happens to all men or just my 31 year old but he has a hard time understanding that each of his children has his own closet. And then he wonders why Tyson has no pants left to wear.


Brooke said...

Man, you've got some seriously big boys! My girls combined barely add up to one of your guys.

Oh, and Josh has been known to put Kate's shirt on Avery (and they're 26 months apart!), so just know that you aren't alone in that department.

Fit Dani said...

I started buying them clothes to share. My boys are THAT big but they are 35 and like 38 lbs. Caine outweighs reeese and he JUST turned three last monday lol.
So they are in 4t and 5t... They grow like weeds girls. old navy just had a sale so i stocked up on clothes for next year i know they will get my monies worth when i buy cause all three boys willw ear the stuff haha