09 November 2009

Last Week

So this last week was kind of a long week. And by long week, I mean L-O-N-G week. For starters, Tyson still hasn't bounced back from the time change. It's strange to me really. Last year they both were back on schedule in a ridiculously fast 2 days. Even I was flabbergasted. This year, while Tucker seems to be doing just fine Tyson insists on waking up routinely at 5-o-something-before-30 am. And on the rare morning that he isn't getting up before the dogs behinde our house start barking again (they do take a small respice from 3 am to about 6 am), he comes running into our room at 1:27 or 2:49 or 3:14. This morning was a 2:49 morning followed by walking him back to his room, tucking him back into bed and then having him run back into our room at 6:11. Apparently he's following in the steps of his Uncle Scott who also rises before the dawn. :)

Secondly, this last week was what I refer to as my LONG work week. My schedule rotates around a two week block. Week 1: Sun (11p-7a), Wed (11p-7a), Thu (7p-7a). Week 2: Mon (11p-7a), Fri (11p-7a), Sat (7p-7a). But when you really look at it, between Fri and Fri I work 5 out of the 7 days. I know, I know. The normal work week is 5 our of 7 days. What's so big about mine? So glad you asked. You see, when I get off work during a weekday morning I have to rush home so that Stuart can run out the door to school. Not that big a deal. The problem comes when I have to stay awake till 3:30 pm or 12:20 pm and then go to sleep after that. It's manageable and I know I shouldn't be complaining because I have a job and we have a house and we have food in our tummies but still I need to "waaa." On the flip side, between the other Fri and Fri I only work one day. Bizarre.

Thirdly, I have no thirdly but it just sounds better when you have three points rather than two. More substantial.

So here's how our week went:

Monday-worked Sun night and was more tired than usual because I worked my partners schedule (7-7 Fri and Sun and 11-7 Sat). Watched the tree cutters remove three stumps and one dead tree. (Funny story-remember how Tucker started calling Stuart's brother "grandpa?" Well one of the guys that came resembled Stuart's brother and the minute Tucker saw him, he started calling the tree cutter guy "grandpa" too. It was sad though when they left and Tucker kept asking where grandpa went.)

Tuesday-caught up on laundry, the bane of my existence and ironed my work shirts, my second bane.

Wednesday-spent some time cleaning out the file cabinet and worked.

Thursday-slept for 3.5 hours then worked.

Friday-had to to a random drug screen (ha!) before sleeping and then took Turbo to get his teeth cleaned. And by-the-way, he weighs 82 pounds. Spent the evening catching up our shows before both of us fell asleep on the couch before 10:30 pm. We are COOL.

Saturday-Stuart had a concealed weapons course that kept him out of the house ALL DAY so we played outside, went to Walmart, cleaned out the toys, moved books around from one room to the other, did more laundry, and made a preliminary list for Christmas gifts.

Sunday-Stuart spend most of the day fixing things around the house, including but not limited to installing the new dvd player in the van, rewiring the porch light, living room fan and wall outlet, installing the remote for the fan, putting up a new switch plate in Tyson's room, installing the wireless printer network, doing another patch-fix to the bathroom faucet (we're really going to have to call a plumber). The boys and I watched.

Now don't I feel so much better?!

Shout Outs:
Amazon.com-I love you, I really love you.
Footed pajamas-oh my goodness!


Brooke said...

I really don't know how you can work nights, take care of your kids and house, and still maintain your sanity. Just looking at your schedule makes me lose my mind a little bit!

Jennifer W said...

Ahh, working in healthcare. Don't you love a chaotic schedule? I like that we "self schedule" meaning I get to put in my preference and then hope they don't change it too much. It's nice to have a "sense" of control. And I'll be working 4, sometimes 5 day weeks through the holidays. Hello extra Christmas cash, er I mean BILL MONEY. Gah!