14 September 2011

I told them it would happen

Yesterday was not the greatest of days. Oh, it started out perfectly acceptable, but it went downhill quite rapidly.

6:20 am-awoken by Tucker as he runs down the stairs in order to scare me as I walk down the stairs.
6:21 am-fain complete fright as I walk into the kitchen.
6:30 am-start making Tyson's lunch and pack his backpack. Give Tucker his cereal with no milk. NO MILK.
7:00 am-wake up a very, very sleepy Tyson.
7:01 am-get Tyson dressed
7:15 am-Tyson gobbles down breakfast
7:22 am-drive to school and drop Tyson off.
8:00 am-start getting ready for Bible class
9:00 am-load up my ONE child and head to church
9:19 am-go to check Tucker in and his name doesn't show up in the kiosk. Fantastic.
9:32 am-finally make it up to class. Woo hoo!
11:45 am-pick-up Tucker from class and head home for lunch
12:16 pm-Lunch! :)
1:23 pm-my mom arrives to watch Tucker (and eventually Tyson) so I can go to the doctor.
1:46 pm-check-in to doctor's office and am handed 5 pages of information to fill out. FIVE PAGES.
2:01 pm-my appointment time is now one minute behinde me. No biggie.
2:37 pm-wow, there sure are a lot of people in this waiting room.
2:59 pm-really? I'm sure glad I brought my book.
3:18 pm-it's been an hour and eighteen minutes since my appointment. I might have to hit someone.
3:41 pm-all this for a ganglion cyst of the tendon sheath?

it looks kinda like this, but it was my middle finger on my left hand. and my hands aren't that gnarly.
4:03 pm-x-rays taken of my hand.
4:20 pm-waiting, waiting, waiting.
4:39 pm-hello doctor.
4:45 pm-lidocaine injected. I pass out.
yup, just like that
4:46 pm-Mrs. Doss? Mrs. Doss?
4:49 pm-Asperation continues.I pass out again. And almost seize.
I joked with the nurse post fainting that at least I didn't have to feel the procedure. Because, 'ya know, I was passed out.
4:59 pm-"I believe the cyst has been completely asperated, but there is a 50% chance of recurrence."
5:20 pm-My handsome husband drives to pick me up since clearly, I am in no shape to drive.
5:45 pm-stop to get some dinner.
6:20 pm-arrive at school for Open House.
6:58 pm-return home.
7:23 pm-kids finally in bed.
Day two. 
Obviously I look like a wimp, but it really, really, really hurt. 
Now it just hurts a bit. Ok, maybe more than a bit.

Oh, and did I mention that there is a 50% chance this cyst came come back?! FIFTY PERCENT. And, my baby sister had one asperated on her wrist (another common place) and it came back within a week. Now she's having surgery on Friday to remove it. Lovely. (We love you George and are praying for a speedy recovery!)