Somehow written by --> Me and My Boys at 7:19 AM 0 comments
Somehow written by --> Me and My Boys at 9:29 PM 1 comments
I got my Christmas cards out today-allbeit a tad late, but out none-the-less!
Somehow written by --> Me and My Boys at 10:38 PM 2 comments
Alright, today is Thursday. 3 more days till my birthday (I'll be the ripe 'ole age of 28), 7 more days till Christmas and 10 more days till my 6th wedding anniversary. Yes, my husband has no idea how to plan so three of the biggest events of our lives (and yes I consider birthdays big events) are crammed into one week. Regardless of all that, I still have TONS of things that I need to do before Christmas.
Send out our Christmas cards. This is not entirely my fault that they are going out so late. They aren't going to be ready till tomorrow so I have to mad dash to try and get them to the post office by tomorrow afternoon.
Get a Christmas tree. Again not entirely my fault. We've had a fake tree for 5 years and last year we donated it to Stuart's flight. I had every intention of buying a pre-light tree after Christmas last year but it never materialized. Stuart really wants a real tree this year but he wants to wait till the big day gets closer so that the trees are on sale. We now have a week.
Put lights up outside. This is entirely Stuart's fault. I can't climb on the roof or the ladder for that matter and I'm not allowed to use his staple gun. Company's coming on Tuesday honey...
Decorate inside the house. I have three Santas up. That's it. I'm just tired of Tucker pulling everything down.
Go thru the boys toys and do some cleaning out.
Clean the house and get ready for our company.
Get the rug back in the house that I got sick on. I'm chalking the "sickness" up to my bad weekend. It's been outside but of course the weather has been less than accommodating for cleaning it.
Wrap presents.
Get my husband on the road to Houston for his brother's graduation. He's leaving tomorrow morning and returning some time on Sunday. I really don't like being alone. Not-to-mention that Sunday is MY big day.
Do all the other regular things that us housewives have to do. Ugh. Not a fan of laundry.
And to top it all off, Tucker got a hold of one of our big metal crosses this morning and dropped it on his toe. It didn't break his toe but pulled a good bit of skin off. Stuart wanted to take him to the ER but called our Pediatrician-brother-in-law first and now we are going to the dr instead in the morning. He seems alright now. The band-aid won't stay on his toe because he removes it the second we put it on and the socks that we put on to try and keep the band-aid on get ripped off just as fast. Ah, the joys of boys!
Somehow written by --> Me and My Boys at 6:46 PM 0 comments
Just wanted to say thank you to those of you that prayed/commented/said just what I needed to hear from my last post. Thank you, thank you. You girls rock!
Somehow written by --> Me and My Boys at 9:20 AM 0 comments
I'm feeling kinda down tonight. Sometimes you just need to vent and so here goes:
I despise Stuart's new schedule. While I understand that this is the best schedule for him to finish more classes in the spring, it totally sucks for me and the boys. Not so much the boys but me. I can't sleep at night. Seriously. When he gets home the only thing on my mind is sleeping. I get really frustrated when he then goes to sleep and leaves me to deal with everything on my own and half awake.
I am really not looking forward to this weekend. It's going to be emotional and hard and difficult and part of me just wants to wear the upset face that I have to hide. Those of you who know, please pray for the whole family.
While I do like being a homeowner, I am not that fond of being an owner of an 80 year old house. It would be great if all the projects that my dear husband started before his schedule changed were completed. But they are not and thus are a glaring reminder of what needs to be fixed.
I hate being broke. Why oh why did I have to get all the credit cards before I realized that I would still be paying them back more than a 10 years later?
I love the holidays but this year I'm just being reminded of all the things that I can't get for my children or my husband. I'm just feeling like a scrooge.
I'm really tired of trying to potty train Tyson. He doesn't care so why should I?
After all is said and done, I read this and am reminded how incredibly lucky and blessed I am. Alright enough "poor me" and back to packing...
Somehow written by --> Me and My Boys at 8:45 PM 3 comments
Seriously-it's cooooolllld! The temperature is 32 degrees but feels like 23 because the winds are gusting at 25 mph. I am in need of some hot chocolate.
Maybe it will snow tonight...
Somehow written by --> Me and My Boys at 11:14 PM 0 comments
Somehow written by --> Me and My Boys at 6:41 PM 1 comments
Yes, I know-a survey. But I couldn't help it. I really felt the need to waste your time filling your brain with useless information about me. Isn't it fun?
Available: No
Age: 27
Annoyance: People who don't put their children in car seats
Animal: Dog
Actor/Actress: Will Ferrell
Afraid of heights: I have a healthy fear
Beer: Not my taste but my husband's
Birthday/Birthplace: Dec 21/St. Louis, MO
Best Friends: Laura
Body part on opposite sex: Shoulders
Best feeling in the world: After eating a fantastic meal, curling up on the couch with some hot cocoa and watching sappy movies
Blind or deaf: Neither
Best Weather: Winter
Been in love: Am in love
Been on stage: Several times
Believe in yourself: Yes
Believe in life on other planets: Not life
Believe in miracles: Absolutely
Believe in Magic: The magic of the season :)
Believe in God: Yes
Believe in Satan: Yes
Believe in Santa: Yes! And don't tell me otherwise
Believe in Ghosts/Spirits: No (But I sure am scared of them when I am alone)
Believe in evolution: Watch Ben Stine's "Expelled"
Car: Have 3
Candy: M&Ms
Color: Red
Cried in School: Yes
Chocolate or vanilla: Vanilla
Chinese or Mexican: Mexican
Cake or pie: Cake
Country to visit: Aruba
Clothing: Comfortable
Characteristics: I'm a mom...
Day or night: Night
Dream vehicle: Toyota Camry (I know)
Danced: A lot in college-oh so fun!
Dance in rain: No but that would be so romantic
Do the splits: Uh, no
Eyes: Hazel
Everyone has a heart: Yes, if you didn't you wouldn't be alive
Ever failed a class: Yes
First Crush: Wow, can't remember that far back
Full Name: CCD
First thoughts waking up: Why so early?
Food: Anything that I don't have to cook
Greatest Fear: Not being able to see my children grow up
Giver or taker: I really try to be a giver but sometimes you just need some back
Goals: To be a good mother and wife
Gum: Sugar free
Good luck charm: I don't really have good luck
Hair color: Blonde
Height: 5'5
Hungry: Always
Holiday: Birthday, Christmas AND Anniversary (it's an all encompassing thing)
How do you want to die: I don't right now
Health freak: Goodness no
Hate: "Mommy, we aren't supposed to say hate." But I do loathe the snooze button
Ice Cream: Chocolate covered cherry
Instrument: Voice
Iced tea or Kool-Aid: Iced tea
Jewelery: Love it!
Job: M-O-M
Jokes: I'm not very good at them. I'm just too gullible.
Kids: 2
Kickboxing or karate: "K"ouch
Keep a journal: Too much work, not enough time
Longest Car ride: Las Vegas to San Antonio (several times)
Love: Getting massages
Letter(s): Adore snail mail!
Laughing hard enough to cry: Haven't done that in awhile
Love at first sight: Happens everyday
Lions or Tigers: Who are they mascots for?
Milk: Is consumed by the gallon daily at my house
Movie: Beauty and the Beast
Mooned Anyone: Nope
Marriage: Almost 6 years!
McD's or Burger King: Chick-fil-A (too bad stinky WF doesn't have one)
Number of Siblings: 2
Number of crushes: I have a severe crush on Pottery Barn
Numbers to my telephone: 1-9
Overused phrases: "No!"
One wish: Potty trained kids
One phobia: The dark
Pizza: Little Caesar with bread sticks
Place to live: Hmmmm
Pepsi/ Root Beer: Pepsi
Quail: Politician
Questionnaires: Remind me how boring my life is
Reasons for crying: Hearing my children say they love me
Reasons for killing: The correct answer would be none, but if you hurt my family it might be a different story
Radio Station: Positive, Encouraging K-Love!
Rolling your tongue in circle: Is unique
Song: Redeemer by Nicole C. Mullin
Shoe Size: 8
Salad Dressing: Caesar if I have to
Sad: Too many times
Slept outside: Yes! I really need to go camping again
Seen a dead body: Not fun
Smoked: Up my kitchen
Shower Daily: I really try to
Sing Well: Depends on how well your ear is trained
Sing the shower: Not anymore
Stuffed Animals: Used to have a million teddy bears
Single/ Group Dates: Then-single/Now-group
Strawberries or Blueberries: Strawberries
Scientists: Really need to find a cure for cancer
Time for bed: As soon as the boys are in bed
Thunderstorms: Are wonderful
Tornadoes: Happen around us too many times
TV: Survivor!
Touch your nose with your tongue: Yup
Unpredictable: Whether Tyson will use the potty or not
Umbrella: Needs to be bigger
Vacation Spot: What's a vacation?
Vegetable I love: Potatoes
Vegetables I hate: Jalapenos
Weakness: Gullible
When you grow up: When will that be again?
Which one of your friends acts most like you: Umm, me and my sis-in-law are a LOT alike
Who makes you laugh the most: Stuart
Wanted to be a Model: No, no and no
Where I live: Wichita Falls
X-rays: Provide lots of answers
Year I was born in: 1980
Year that it is now: 2008
Year it will be soon: 2009
Zoo animal: Giraffe
Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius
Somehow written by --> Me and My Boys at 5:35 PM 0 comments
I have come to the conclusion that Girls Night Out is not only a fantastic idea but it is a must! Last night a couple of my girlfriends and I got together at one of their homes; no husbands, no kids, good food, tasty beverages, and LOTS of laughter. Soooooo muuuuuch fun! It was so nice to socialize with adults, not to mention girlfriends. Truly amazing.
Somehow written by --> Me and My Boys at 5:22 PM 1 comments
So Stuart starting working mid shift this week at work. That means that he goes into work at 10:30 pm and comes home at 7:30 am. That's right, PM and AM. Why you ask? There are too many students and not enough classroom space so some of the instructors had to move to mids in order to accommodate the Air Force's newest AGE Rangers. Whatever. What this does mean for our little family is a whole new way of life.
1) Since Stu is gone at night, I am sleeping by myself. I use the word "sleeping" to mean I am in bed, with the dog, waking up every hour because of noises that I may or may not have heard and things that I may or may not have seen walking thru my house. Not fun. Let me also say that I am petrified of the dark, so you get the picture.
2) When Stu gets home around 7:30 am the boys are awake and ready to play with him. He is ready to crawl in bed and go to sleep.
3) While daddy is sleeping the day away, I have to try and keep the boys to a dull roar and prevent them from going into our room and not talk to daddy. I also have to explain several times a day that daddy IS at home but he is SLEEPING so we can't play with him right now.
4) I feel like a single mom since Stu is either at work or asleep but yet my husband is just in the other room.
5) I don't know what day it is. Since Stu's Monday starts on Sunday night, his weekend begins Friday morning. So right now it's Thursday but really his Friday. Nuts.
On a positive note, I got the dishes done this morning. Yea for me!!
Somehow written by --> Me and My Boys at 11:42 AM 1 comments
This year we went to San Antonio for Thanksgiving. It was so much fun to see my family and Stu's family. We headed our Wednesday night and had a jam-packed weekend. Thursday was so filled with food I don't know where to start. We had an early lunch with my family and then headed to Stuart's sister's house for a late lunch. In a two hour time period, we ate TWO Thanksgiving meals. Needless-to-say we were stuffed. Thursday night we hung out at my parents house and let the boys play with their cousin Kate. She is precious! She loved her Uncle Stu (he had a very calming effect on her) and was really interested in Tucker.
Somehow written by --> Me and My Boys at 7:44 PM 1 comments