This weekend my littlest sister, Jordana got engaged!
Is she old enough to be engaged? Shoot, is she old enough to have a boyfriend?
Shane, her fiance (man that sounds funny) emailed the family a couple of weeks ago and let us all know that he was planning on proposing and wanted us all to be there to surprise Jordana and celebrate in their good news. Oh course we said yes!
My parents, my middle sister and her family and us all drove to Abilene and hid in Shane's parents' house until Shane and Jordana arrived (a feat not easily done when dealing with three little ones). Shane whisked Jordana off to the dock behind their house where rose petals (spread by his and my mom) lined the walk way. Shane had made a book with photos and events from their dating and showed it to George (her nickname since birth) when they sat down. Everyone was anxiously watching from the Haught's bedroom and bathroom windows for the tell-tale getting onto one knee.
And he did.
They kissed.
Kate said, "no kissing."
And they kissed some more.
Then we all ran downstairs to meet them.
It was grand!!
We then ate a fantastic dinner that Mrs. Haught prepared and watched as the little ones played.
Congrats to Jordana and Shane! We love you so much!
What a great proposal!!!! Congrats to your sister!
I am so excited for Jordana. I too can't believe she's old enough to get married, but I bet she's older than the two of us were when we got married. I was 21 (for 10 more days).
How crazy that all the in-laws have/will have S names.
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