22 March 2013


life rearranged

Hello Friday.
It's so nice to see you again.

So how has your week gone?
For some reason I really can't remember anything that we did this week.
I guess that's a good thing, no?

I have lots of freckles (even more in the summer) and green eyes.

She Reads Truth. Y'all, it's so good.

My first Lisa Leonard purchase. Eeek!

Tucker's "All About Me" poster. Look at my chubby munchkin!

L-R: Marci, my mom, Jordana, me. I LOVE this picture of us!

The boy's first soccer practice. It was a hoot!

I can't express enough how much Tucker loves Hannah. If we arrive at the same time, this is how they walk in-EVERY time. He also gives her a hug and kiss (on the cheek) everyday when he says goodbye.

My new Thirty-One bags. Yay!

I can barely contain my excitement for this. Y'all...it's gonna be good. :)

Happy Friday y'all!
(and if you want to follow me on instagram, I'm clardoss)


Chance said...

So many fun things about this post!!! Lovin' your notes and your new bracelet and Tucker's All About Me poster and matching pj's and Thirty-One bags!

Seriously, your hand writing could be turned into a font it's so cute and the message so refreshing!

All About Me posters of little ones always melt my heart! My son still has his hanging in his room.

And is that the thermal market tote?! Have it in that exact same print and love it!