09 July 2010

Five Things Friday

  1. It has been raining everyday for the last week. While this is doing wonders for our front yard (I have long since accepted that fact that we absolutely KILLED our grass last summer with the multiple drainings of the pool), the change in atmosphere is reeking havoc on my allergies.
  2. Stuart has been busy repainting the boys' bedrooms this past week. He finally finished last night. Thank goodness!
  3. We still haven't finished moving everything back into the living room from having our floors done. It's kind of like the last box that needs to be unpacked after moving; it just gets moved around and you pick things out of it until the box is empty and you realize it's been 6 months since you moved.
  4. I have been on a chicken nuggets and honey kick. I know! What's wrong with me? Condiments!?
  5. Stuart has 16 school days lefts till he graduates!


Andrea said...

Please send some rain our way, it's been over two weeks! (a super long time for us)

Aubrey said...

Hurray for home projects being completed and a light at the end of the college tunnel!