20 September 2010


Pray Until Something Happens



Here are the facts:

Job Title: Environmental Health and Safety Specialist
Job Description: ??? :)
Location: Lane Lew, WV
Population: 406
Start date: October 6, 2010

The logistics of the next few weeks are still up in the air and my anxiety level is still at an all time high but I am so beyond relieved that this job came into play (and it was something very unexpected and most definitely a God thing {with the help of some a very special person}).

BTW, did you notice where we are moving to??


Amy said...

Wow, WV?! And such a small town! Most importantly, is there a Chick Fil A nearby!? :)


Brittany said...

That's awesome! Can't wait to hear the details of the move and getting settled in. How exciting!

Jennifer W said...

I can hear the twang now. "Jane Lew, West Virginia." You only thought you had an accent. This should be exciting!

Andrea said...

Super exciting!!! We have wanderlust badly right now, I just got back from WA and hubby is ready to pack up and go. We live in VA! 3,146 miles. So I'm happy for your move. WV isn't all bad, it's really pretty. We drive through to get to OH.

Brooke said...

Exciting! Congrats to Stuart, and good luck on the move!!

Amanda said...

Wow! West Virginia! That will be a change, but I am so happy for you. I hope everything goes smoothly.