27 April 2011

Easter Part II

So Saturday night the Easter bunny stayed up to put together these two baskets. They were neatly left on the bar, placed in front of the appropriate child's chair.

Then those little cherubs woke up. They were only allowed one piece of candy before church. That didn't go over so well.


 Tucker (aka, the pirate smiler)

I insisted on pictures before we left for church knowing if I didn't take them the boys would ruin their clothes and I would have nothing to show for their oh-so-adorable sweater vests and daddy ties.

 For the past couple of weeks, we have headed to Krispy Kreme after church (we go to the 8:30 am service). Easter was no exception. The boys love watching the donuts being made and Stuart loves the hot, fresh donut given to each member of our family (I usually give mine to him) whilst we wait in line.

This set of pictures can also be titled, "Tucker is ridiculously happy and high on sugar."

 Our family!
(It's a miracle we got all four of us into the scope of the camera lens)

Happy Easter!